Benny, a college freshman at the University of Akron, Ohio meets and falls for fellow freshman Christopher at a football game. With the support of their families and friends they embark on a new relationship. But a tragic event in the past involving their mothers soon comes to light and threatens to tear them apart. Akron is a moving family drama and a sensitive young adult love story of two young men falling in love in the Midwest and their will to overcome the most painful of truths.
Regisseur: Sasha King, Brian O’Donnell
Acteurs: Matthew Frias, Edmund Donovan, Joseph Melendez, Andrea Burns, Amy da Luz
Jaar: 2017
Land: VS
Lengte: 88
Leeftijd: 6
Taal: Engels
Ondertiteling: Duits
Uitgever: Pro-Fun
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