Would the small gay boy you once were look up to the gay man you’ve become? This is the question Dr. Joe Kort explores in 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives (completely revised and updated edition) as he guides readers through the complex journey of becoming a fully self-actualized gay man. Learn the five biggest mistakes gay men make when seeking a relationship. Understand how to deal with loved ones who disapprove of your being gay. Overcome damaging patterns that are holding you back from enjoying a healthy sex life. Learn how to identify your own internalized homophobia, a chronic issue that prevents many gay men from leading satisfying lives and keeps them from having healthy relationships. This updated and revised edition is more sex positive than the first edition and includes a new chapter on exploring erotic turn ons and sexual interests. Out-of-Control Sexual Behavior (OCSB) is also addressed for those struggling with sexual issues. After coming out, a gay man will typically feel better at first, but often the good feelings don’t last. This is because “coming out” is only part of the beginning of the journey. This book provides a map for navigating the whole long passage of becoming the gay man you want to be.
Auteur: Joe Kort
Jaar van uitgave: 2016
Aantal pagina’s: 220
Bindwijze: paperback
Uitgeverij: Joe Kort
M. Adams –
Zo’n herkenbaar, bruikbaar boek en zoveel mooie voorbeelden vanuit de therapeut Dr. Joe Kort, (zelf ook gay) beschreven. Een “must have” voor mensen die interesse hebben in begeleiden van mensen op psychosociaal vlak m.b.t. coming out en “gay life”! Maar natuurlijk ook voor jezelf om meer te lezen over achtergronden van je reacties en gedachtenpatronen die je soms onbewust kunnen belemmeren. Bij het lezen en je bewust worden van, kan je er wellicht voor jezelf je voordeel mee doen! Al met al interessante materie.